Spread the LOVE!

Let’s face it… weddings are expensive! You have the ring, you said yes to the dress, you booked your venue, and everything is falling into place for your big day. Yay! But you are feeling a little guilty about all of the money being spent. No worries! There are tons of ways to make your wedding matter and say “I give” while saying “I do”.

Here Are 5 Ways to Make Your Wedding Matter:

1. Gifts that Give Back

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New Year, Who Dis?

Here are 5 Ways to Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet! Each new year comes with new promises and TONS of motivation to be our best. Saying goodbye to the amazing past year means saying hello to one that will be even better! Here is our guide to starting the new year off right.

1. Reflect on the past year

Before you truly let go of 2017, take a few minutes to reflect on all of the progress and experiences that this past year brought us.  Take time to journal what you’re thinking, and get it all down on paper so it’s no longer on your mind. Focus on who has surrounded you with love and happiness, as well as experiences that have done the same.  All of the lessons that you learned will fuel you to make 2018 even better.

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