A Day In The Life At The Rock N' Events LA Office


What’s up from our LA office!!! We know you’re probably wondering what happens with us fun and crazy ladies at the Rock N’ Events office. Well, we are excited to share what happens behind the scenes to put together our amazing events and give you an inside experience ‘live’!

Good Morning!

Everyone is in the office by 9 or 10 am. As you walk in the door, you’ll be greeted by our big furry friend named Zeek. Zeek is such a sweetheart. He’s a Belgian Malinois, a big cuddler, and will at times nudge your hand for a pet.

We start out our days by checking our to-do lists, emails, and calendars. Our office vibe is open, chill, and comfortable! But that doesn’t mean we don’t get things done. We’re always hustling, usually we never spend too much time on one task. Everyone in our office works on multiple projects -- we don’t just plan weddings, we work on corporate events, partnerships, blogs (like this one!), editorial shoots… but we all love being busy and getting things done.

Our office space has desks, a big work table, and a couch. Everyone’s always trying to snag a deskspace to work on, but we’re generally comfortable wherever we work! We’re very collaborative. You might hear someone call for “G/Jen”, which will make both our founder, Jenny, and one of our top producers, Genevieve, turn around and say, “which G/Jen?”... it usually gets figured out.

Our Meetings

All of our meetings, especially our design meetings, are very collaborative and laid back. We’re a startup, so we don’t have those stuffy corporate meetings. Our LA and SF offices sometimes even work together during these meetings via Google Hangout. We’ll talk about upcoming events and designs and excitedly shout when we’ve struck gold on an idea. Everyone is friendly and honest, so it’s a really great environment to be in.

Lunchtime :)

We’ll order in, pick up, or bring food. Whatever we do, we’re always down for great food. When it’s not lunch time, we’ll munch on snacks from Trader Joe’s or drink some Kombucha tea.


Throughout the day, we’re on calls, Pinterest boards, emails, making graphics, designing. We rely on everyone to be motivated and driven, so everyone is always accomplishing something to help our company grow.

Drop Some Knowledge

Our Drop Some Knowledge Experience an ongoing process where our Founder, Jenny, teaches us anything and everything in the world of weddings and special events. We’ll have these sessions every few days or weeks... whenever we have time! It’s really great for everyone at Rock N’ Events -- from interns to producers -- because there’s always more to learn and ways to bring more value to our star members.

Power Hour

Power Hour is the last hour of our workday to wrap up our daily goals. Even if we’re behind, some way some how, we get everything done by the end of the day. That’s one of the perks of having hard working star planners who are always committed to bringing our premiere celebrations to life.

And there you have it -- a day in the life at the Rock N’ Events LA office! We hope you loved spending it with us. We surely did!