Rock N’ Event’s Guide to Being Single on Valentine’s Day

Love is in the air, and I don’t care! It’s that time of year when the lovers rejoice, and us single people await the day the candy and wine goes on sale. If you are feeling the Valentine’s Day blues, don’t despair for your resident single blogger at Rock N’ Events is here with a guide to staying sane this time of the year!

1. Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

The first step to beating Valentine’s Day blues is to surround yourself with friends. Coordinate a Galentine’s Day brunch and sip mimosas in single style! Who needs a man when you have a group of ladies who can share in the gossip, wine, and late night talks?! #GirlTalk If you don’t feel like going out, have a girls day in. Put on some movies, pop the Jiffy Pop, and chow down on that takeout! Answer the door in your facemask, trust me- they’ll think you’re doing just fine #Flawless. Be it your best girlfriends or just people who you care about, surrounding yourself with love will make you feel what this holiday is really all about.

2. Blame It On The Alcohol

If you want a little self medication, a little wine never killed nobody! #ValenWINEsDay Go out with your friends and let loose! You deserve the night out, or in! Take a shot for every ex who’s ever wronged you and make out with the bartender, Why Not?! At least that way the drinks will be free #Shameless as long as you drink safely, clink your woes away and get lit this Tuesday! Just make sure to call a cab, and give your bff your phone so we don’t “accidentally” text that jerk who doesn’t deserve you!

3. ValenMine’s day

Treat yo’ self ladies and gents! This is a day for you to celebrate your singleness! Indulge in yourself! You don’t need a man to buy you spa package or flowers. Pull out the nail polish bath bomb you tucked away for just the right occasion and pamper the shit out of yourself! #PamperedAF The saying goes: If you don’t love yourself, how can you expect someone else to love you. The answer to that is simple. You are amazing, smart, sassy, fun, and the funniest person alive. Don’t let anyone tell you different! Hang out and love yourself. If you need to hang out in bed watching Netflix all day- don’t leave your bed except to grab postmates! I promise you will thank past you for taking a day to relax and recharge.

4. Party Monster

Get out of the house! I know I just said stay in, but this doesn’t work for everyone. Some people need to go out and feel the music vibe through their bodies, or feel someone else’s body all up on theirs! It’s the night for singles to bar crawl! Find your future mister or misses, you never know who you could meet on the dance floor. Be adventurous, meet up with that tinder match you have wanted to get to know more. Keep it light and fun, and everyone will walk away with a smile. Let your friends buy you shots to cheer you up if they want to! #It’sForFree Release the party monster from within and rage til the wee hours of the morning.

5. February 15th, My Favorite Holiday

This day, my friends, is the day that all responsible women wait for. If Target isn’t already your best friend forever, get ready for the holy grail of post-Valentine’s-Day-sales! This day is a sweet reminder that even though boys come and go, chocolate and wine will always be there for us.

6. Put A Little Love in Your Heart

Do something for someone else this year, and be someone else’s Valentine! There is always someone who seems to have it worse. Make it your mission to give that person a Valentine’s Day they won’t forget. Volunteering can help take your mind off of your own problems and put all that energy into changing the world we live in! #InItForThem

7. No Pity Parties

Don’t feel sorry for yourself! You are strong, kind, beautiful and amazing, and Cinderella: Honey the only reason he should be putting a shoe on your foot is to come sweep you away for a custom pair of Louboutins. They’re are so many pumpkins in the patch, that once the right one comes along, you’ll know that this is what you’ve been waiting for. If you keep your chin up and head held high, you will see over the cloud of negative bullshit that you are surrounded by love!

At Rock N’ Events we get to watch so many star members marry the loves of their lives. We are beyond in awe of each and every one of their love stories, and it gives me hope that real love does exist! So go forth this Valentine’s day knowing you are loved, important, and fierce. So Rock it stars!